Sunday Service
Podcasts available on multiple platforms.
Video Series with Notes
The End
An End Times Series discussing the many unknowns, as we enter the Last Days before Jesus' return.
Covering topics like:
Death - what happens when I die?
What is the Rapture?
What happens in the Tribulation?
Is there a Second Coming?
What is Heaven all about?
Where do I fit into this end plan of God and am I ready?
Spiritual Warfare
We live in a seen and unseen realm.
We serve a Good God and there is an evil devil.
In these three teachings, we learn how to recognise and overcome the unseen enemy that often tries to influence us.
Press In To The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is a person.
Get to know Him and build a personal relationship with Him.
Understand the gifts and power that are available to you.
Receive Him into your life and be empowered.
You won't ever be the same again.
Putting God First is what He commands us to do.
In this mini series we discuss how we can practically demonstrate putting God first in all areas of our lives.
God Kind of Faith
How do I get faith? What is faith? What do I do when I face doubt and uncertainty and my faith feels shaky.
This mini-series explores the Bible definition of Faith and how we can grow and believe God for New Beginning and the imPossible in our lives.
The life we live can be filled with challenges, but Isaiah shows us how to live life from Christ's Authority.
In this three-part series Arise, we learn how we can see life with a new perspective, see things spiritually, live without fear and demolish the mountains in our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Go Somewhere New
Let's Go Somewhere New with God.
This series teaches us to Go in faith and use our God given Authority.
You will learn that when we Go Somewhere New we can do more and go further when we do it in community.
The Apostle John is now an old man. He remembers spending three and half years with Jesus. The miracles, the special teaching, raising the dead, walking on water.
But now on the Island of Patmos, John sees Jesus like he has never seen Him before.
Join us as we look through the eyes of John and see Jesus for who He really is!
I'm In
It’s not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a
difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside
It's Your Move
What do you do when your dream seems dead?
What do you do when your prayers seem unanswered?
This series takes a look at how Jesus handled a dead situation - Lazarus!
Supply Box
When you're going through a tough time, life is hard and adversity all around you - God has a Supply Box with your name on it.
Discover what is in the supply box and how you can come through these hard times.
Last Man Standing
In the Last Man Standing series you will discover how to outlast challenging circumstances and overcome in exciting ways.
Learn through the life of Elijah how to Testify, Pray and find your Purpose in God.
Let it Go
Offence and Unforgiveness can lead to bitterness and resentment.
This series teaches us how healing comes through forgiveness
Life More Glorious
Discover the Life God has planned for you, a life to be lived in the Spirit.
He is in Pursuit of You.
He wants to give you a Purpose.
He desires for you to be in Pursuit of Him.
Taking a look at the life of Martha you will learn how she is a woman of faith.
Navigating Storms
We all face challenges in life, often termed as "storms".
This series will help you to overcome physical, emotional and spiritual storms that you may find you are being challenged with.
Transformed By A Voice
Our world is filled with voices, following the wrong voice impacts our lives.
In this series we discover how to hear the right voices and which ones are the safe ones to follow.
You Want Me To
We all have highs and lows in life, through this series we can learn how to stand in the face of adversity from the letter Paul writes to Timothy.