Who are we?
Our desire is to be a Christ centred church. Jesus promised to build His Church, so we align with His values, His DNA.
A church where Jesus Christ is worshiped in Spirit & Truth, and the Word of God is faithfully proclaimed.
A church where you can belong, where each person is loved, accepted & valued as “family”.
A church where we are equipped to live the Christian Life, where people’s needs are met in God, hearts are mended and challenged, and lives are changed for the better.
A church where people grow, and are helped to mature as fully committed followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A church where we can be fulfilled - through being encouraged, equipped and released to contribute in-line with our gifts and abilities.
A church where the lost are a real priority, and all age groups in our circles of influence are given the opportunity to hear the good news about Jesus.
A church, which is growing, making a difference and impacting our community for Christ and His cause.
A church full of people with a Heart for His House.
Statement of Faith
The Bible is inspired by God and is therefore our ultimate and final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
There is only one eternal, sovereign God who exists in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God created the heavens and the earth and declared his creation to be good.
All humans have sinned and live with a sin nature, which prevents them from rendering pleasing obedience to God on their own.
All humans, though marred by sin, bear God’s image and are therefore worthy of dignity, respect and honour.
Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin and was both fully God and fully man.
Jesus lived a sinless life, taught about the kingdom of God and how God wants us to live in this life. He died on the cross for the sins of the world, was raised from the dead by the power of the Spirit, and lives today at the right hand of the Father.
If anyone desires the forgiveness of their sins, he or she must repent of their sins believing that Jesus is the Son of God, and they will be forgiven.
All who truly repent and believe in Jesus Christ as their saviour will be obedient to the commands of Jesus and be baptised by immersion in water.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an enduement of the believer with power for service. The operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of Christ are applicable and should operate in our lives and through the Church today.
All those who are truly born again will seek to live out the teachings of Jesus, seek to be disciples and followers of Jesus. Jesus asks us to live holy and separated lives.
Jesus is coming one day to usher in his final and perfect kingdom on earth. On that day he will judge the living and the dead. All those who believe and obey Jesus will live forever with him in the new heaven and new earth. All those who don’t believe in Jesus will face an irreversible judgement for their sin and rejection of God.
Our Values
We are a church that prioritise WORD & SPIRIT. This is the DNA of Pastors Wayne and Clare. Our church is based on four key pillars:
We are Body
The Church is the Body of Christ
(Rom 12:5, Eph 1:22-23, 1 Cor 12:27-28)
The Church is a Temple
When people come into the Temple, they worship the One and True Living God.
(Eph 2:19-22, 1 Cor 3:16, 1 Pet 2:9)
The Church is a Hospital
We understand that people are not perfect; bad stuff happens to good people and we all need love, pastoral care and prayer.
(Matt 9:12, Mrk 16:15-18, Matt 9:35-36)
The Church is a School
The Word of God, the Bible is our reference, our compass as we navigate through life. So we always prioritise listening to Holy Spirit inspired teachings, and reading our Bibles faithfully and discussing the Word of God in our Connect Groups.
(2 Tim 4:2, Matt 28:19-20, James 1:21)
We believe that our churches should:

With God and with people

In relationship with God and people

Show the love of God to others in our community and globally
Our Culture
Our culture is demonstrated in our church members and partners. These culture statements challenge us and encourage us to become more Christ like:​​
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